Optimizing Customer Experience

International Jewelry Retailer

An international jewelry designer, manufacturer, and retailer that markets in more than 90 countries on six continents.

The Challenge

With the holiday season approaching, the international jewelry brand wanted to accelerate sales by re-engaging its core audience and obtaining new customers through display banner ads. Lacking a mature U.S. e-commerce presence during a critical time of year, the brand knew it needed to reach their customers with a highly relevant holiday advertising campaign in order to achieve goals. The brand also managed an extensive product inventory and an audience with diverse product interests.

The Strategy

Leveraging Connex Personalization, Rise gathered the brand’s onsite data and applied predictive analytics to match products most relevant to each shopper. Rise combined customer insights with multi-channel audience data to create dynamic content recommendations for serving display ads personalized to user preferences. Rise also used Connex to reach new customers with similar behaviors and interests by serving look-a-like audiences with personalized display banner ads.

As Connex Personalization generated ongoing insights during the holiday campaign, Rise enabled the brand to continually optimize its level of personalization beyond the holiday season.

The Result

By leveraging advanced algorithms to understand customer preferences, Connex Personalization helped the brand increase its e-commerce presence and exceed revenue goals during the busy holiday season.


return on ad spend (including click through and view through revenue)


Cyber Monday revenue goal


Black Friday revenue goal